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Bobcats Look to Growl

Garrett Roth has to be ecstatic with the way the new Bismarck Bobcats team is jelling. Can you say “possible Robertson Cup”? It’s very early in the young hockey season, but Garrett and the Bobcats are on fire. Every team that...

Canada Escapes Finland

The Four Nations Tournament has arrived in Boston, and Canada nearly escaped Finland 5-3 Monday afternoon. If the USA emerges victorious tonight against Sweden, they will play Canada for the championship on Thursday. I am hoping...

Guardians Finally on the Board

At the corner of Carnegie and Ontario, the Cleveland Guardians finally earned a win against the powerful goons of New York. The Guardians were ready for a battle with the Yankees on Thursday night. The Yankees had a 4-3 lead,...

Coronation of America’s Birds

To say that the Kansas City Chiefs were not ready to play last night was clearly obvious in all three phases of the Super Bowl. There is kicking, and defense, and offense. The Chiefs should have been ready to go, but they didn’t...

Boilers Are Blowing Steam

Purdue basketball has won six straight, and has only one loss in the Big Ten. Their overall record is 14-4. This team looks like they are headed for a deep tournament run. Matt Painter and the rest of the Boilermaker regime look...

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