Author: Jeremiah Boyce

Redwings Send Message

Detroit: Monday night was Sydney Crosby’s first trip back to where he hoisted the cup in June, but this time it would be the Redwings who would play like a well oiled machine. The Penguines couldn’t be saved by their...

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Bobcats Sweep Weekend

Mason CIty Iowa after a 3-2 win on Friday night, what would Sunday bring? It would be North Iowa getting on the score board first after a nothing nothing first period. Early in the second period, North Iowans Markus Gander would...

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Sioux down number one Denver

Sioux down number one Denver in St. Paul, Minnesota, after Friday nights game. The Sioux proved that numbers don’t mean anything. Just because Denver was number one doesn’t mean they don’t have to play a full...

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