Sorry Pacer fans for my lateness on this story. I heard it on one of 1070’s programs, and I wanted to put my own thoughts on it but I didn’t know how at the time. The Hall of Fame for Mark Boyle is well deserved honor for one of my heroes who I look up to in the radio business. He and Slick Leonard do a wonderful job! When you turn on the internet and you want to get a feel for how the blue and gold are doing, just listen to Mark Boyle’s voice! Couldn’t have happened to a better guy. I myself hope to be in the Hall of Fame someday. This is good for Boyle because he has been with the Pacers since 1989, and he deserves to be right up there with Don Fischer from IU. Those are two guys who bring you the emotions of the game no matter where you are. You could be in Bismarck North Dakota, miles away from their flagship station, but when you hear Mark and Don, you know you’re getting a little slice of home. These are two great gentlemen. If you would like to be a member of the media in Indiana in any way, you better learn to respect Fischer and Boyle! Back in 2004, I had the opportunity of a lifetime to meet Mark Boyle and Mr. Slick, and they made me proud to be a Hoosier. Basketball is Indiana’s game, and to be in the same in field as them, even though I can’t be on the radio, is a big honor.