Cloquet, Minnesota. Even though the Wilderness wanted to be a pain in the neck hockey team, they couldn’t get a Bismarck team to purr. Instead, they got a Cat biting by a final score of 5-4. Stop me if you’ve heard these names: Tim Piechowski and Ryan Taylor. They were the catalysts for your Bismarck Bobcats last night. Now the Bobcats await a son of a gun hockey team out of Aberdeen, South Dakota, or the Minot Suck a Tauros. The Tauros have never been fun, ever since former bench boss Marty Murray left for the Sioux Falls Stampede. And then on the other bench you have a lot of history in Scott Langer. He is the current son of a gun champion and his team has been a thorn in the Bobcats side all year long and refuses to take a back seat and shut their mouths and be gracious losers. I respect some players who used to be with Langer, but if this guy wins another Robertson Cup, I will be beside myself and wondering what could have been, if Sedevie doesn’t try his best to dethrone number one. We don’t care who we play, we want cat scratch fever all the way. There is a certain owner in Minneapolis that this website answers to when I cover the Cats. His namer is Owner Brigl. And there is a certain coach that I revere and love and want to be on top of the hockey world, Layne Sedevie. We might have to wrestle with former Butte Irish player and Tauros coach Shane Wagner. They attempt to cool off the red hot Wings on Thursday, but the Wings lead two games to none.