Miami, Florida. LeBron, you went to Miami to try and win a title. Now, tonight, your dream could be a Texas-sized heartache. All the talk about the big 3 in Miami, instead it’s the Mavericks who have a 3 games to 2 lead. LeBron, I guess you don’t know what loyalty is. You’re from Akron, Ohio and you still have no title. You’re not like Michael Jordan; he stayed with the same team. Break out the golf clubs, because you will have a big cowboy boot on your heart and this will scar you forever. Mark Cuban may be a little brash and arrogant, but early Monday morning, he could be the one celebrating a title while LeBron’s dream goes swimming in the ocean and everybody will be talking about Dirk Nowitzki. So, for everybody who thought this would be King James’s year, we can put that to bed after tonight. LeBron will put away his sneakers and return to the selfish person that he is. After you made your announcement on the LeBron James network, ESPN, you could have told the Cavaliers you needed another a piece to the puzzle, but instead you ripped the heart out of the city that loved you.