Bismarck ND. As we say goodbye to 2012 and look ahead to 2013, it’s time for the sheriff’s year end review. First, lets congratulate Coach Sedevie on four titles in a row. Their drive for five is still yet to be determined. Stay tuned to this website, to see how the Bobcats drive for five goes. Peyton Manning is another big story. After coming off a season where he was unable to play quarterback for the Indianapolis Colts, in 2012 he has been nothing but super Peyton. The Denver Broncos got a big present when they signed him to a five year deal worth a 100 million dollars, the investment is yet to be determined.

I would like to personally thank the Minnesota Twins and the Detroit Tigers for allowing me to sit in the press box on August 14th 2012. This was really emotional for me as I sat in the press box trying to hold in so much gratitude and love for the parents who had spent seven hours in the car with me for me to bring you guys major league baseball coverage like I had never done before.

Now moving on to the worst story of the year. It happened in college, Penn State’s Happy Valley. Who in their right mind would win an award for sexually abusing children? The winner is Jerry Sandusky. I hope we never have to cover a story like this again. It was a total embarrassment to watch it unfold on television, and to have to write about somebody who has no mental competency, and has no business on the sidelines. Enjoy your life in prison, Jerry, because that’s where you belong. That was a disgraceful story for me to have to bring you guys, but somebody had to bring you guys the truth, because what they were feeding us was a crock pot full of garbage.