The Minnesota Twins under 39 year old manager Rocco Baldelli are below 500, after looking so promising at the beginning of the season. The Twins are now at 5 wins and 7 losses. Part of this is not Rocco’s fault. It all has to do with the art of pitching, and when you’re not getting timely hitting you are not going to have much luck in defending your title. I don’t care if you are not on the field, you can only manage what you have. I’m not saying this to be mean, but Rocco can only put players on the field. The players have to execute the game plan. If you want to know what’s wrong with the Twins, you only need to look at the dish and their pitching. They were swept in a double header today, losing the first game 3-2, and the second game 7-1. Their pitching gets an F+. They need to knock it off! So far they have been anything but “on Target.”