Denver, Colorado. After playing the first 14 years in Colt blue, Peyton Manning has found a new barn in Denver. I told you guys when Manning left the Colts, wherever Peyton went, I’m going. I feel very strongly that Peyton made the right decision. It was the way the Colts treated a four time MVP that rubbed me the wrong way. When you have a great athlete and a great human being, one whose name was nailed all over central Indiana, and who gave his heart to a community by even having a children’s hospital wing named after him, I feel like the city of Indianapolis will forever have a black eye on its football team. The Colts don’t know who they will tap to be the hall of famer’s replacement. As for Peyton and the first family of football, I think this season has an opportunity to be Manning vs. Manning in the Super Bowl. The Broncos already have one hall of fame quarterback as their President. As far as I’m concerned, Mr. Manning belongs in Canton, Ohio with Mr. Elway.