Bismarck, ND. The Bismarck Bobcats face a crucial early season two-game set with the Coulee Region Chill next weekend. Yes, fans, I know this is early, but to me, we could be looking at reality and fans could be forced to face the cold, hard facts of a team that cannot complete simple tasks like beating the Aberdeen Wings, who are just a fledgling franchise. With a coach who doesn’t know how to manage his time wisely, the Bobcats could be looking at the possibility of coming out of the Coulee Region series at 6-7-1. Coach Sedevie so far in his rookie season has left this reporter wondering if he was the right choice to replace the legendary Byron Pool. Case in point, when you’re trying to come back from a deficit and you’re down, the proper time to call a timeout would be early in the third, and not when the clock shows 2:04 remaining. Why do you do that, coach? Didn’t you learn from the master, Byron Pool, how to run a team? Now, you are facing a baptism by fire. You are the one who has the target on your back, and this reporter is very skeptical of your questionable time management. The Coulee Region series is Friday and Saturday, October 22-23.