Commissioner Bud speaks out about the players who will not be able to get away with garbage! Finally major league baseball does what is right. After seemingly dragging their feet, they finally hit a home run. Even though it involves Mr. Peralta from the Detroit Tigers, I do believe that this is what is right, because it can also make the game we all love have a cleaner product on the field. I also believe that Big Mac used drugs to break Roger Maris’s record of home runs, therefore I also think that the home run record should be given back to its rightful owner Roger Maris. To this day, I don’t look at Mark McGwire as the home run king. I believe that the record is not clean anymore. Baseball did the right thing by suspending Alex Rodriguez and taking the fact away that he still plays for the New York Yankees. Furthermore, I think that Alex Rodriguez is one of the biggest goons to ever wear the Yankees uniform. You really have to hand major league baseball a save for trying to clean up America’s pastime. Can you imagine what baseball would look like if the commissioner stood idly by and let the players get away with murdering the game we all love? Now baseball must keep its image clean and not allow Rodriguez to win. How do you not allow A-Rod to win you ask? Don’t let him get away with garbage, and make him sit his butt down on the bench!